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学校简介 校园文化 校务公开 规章制度
发布时间:【 2020-05-12 】 阅读量:12223 作者: 来源:









学校网址: ,电子邮箱:nbjszxxb@163.com

Jiangshan Middle school is located south of downtown Yinzhou Jiangshan town, founded in 1944, Zhejiang Province, a key middle school. It has a long history and enjoys social reputation of "virtue vu," and "Lean education" culture. Nearly 70 years, more than 20,000 outstanding citizens have been sent to the society, among which Chinese Academy of Sciences Shi Zhongci, the famous music conductor Yu Feng, professor at the University of Virginia for life-Shen Heling, etc. are outstanding persons, known all over the home and abroad.

Jiangshan Middle School covers an area of 80,000 square meters, construction area of 50,000 square meters and green area of 30,000 square meters. There are 30 high school classes, about 1,500 students, faculty and staff more than 150 people. Campus teaching, sports and living facilities and advanced equipment are well supplied in the school. In addition, it  has a provincial, city, district name, special, excellent teachers as the main body of teachers, the current president is one of the ten national outstanding teachers., grade teacher.

Jiangshan Middle School actively promotes the school curriculum reform, advocates "people-oriented, autonomy, cooperation, explore, pluralistic, open innovation" philosophy of education。It builds national, local and school-based Trinity curriculum, expands elective courses, research study, life education, community cultural festivals and other activities as the main interactive, experiential programs to develop students' leadership, innovation and practical ability. Besides, it cooperates with East China Normal University, etc., to carry out "high school students’ development guidance" projects, building schools, community, family integration of student development guidance system to give a proper guidance to the students' academic, life, career, career and other aspects. 

Jiangshan Middle school plans to build a group of teachers who have a theoretical quality, teaching wisdom and responsibility of high-quality through some activities like “Focusing on the class” “EEPO” project and some trainings. Physical characteristics programme, art training, international education, ect, diversity education exploration is being developed and explored in Jiangshan Middle School. the school's best wish is to be a high quality, unique, international modern high school.

School Address: Tian Tong Road, No.2727, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China

Postal Code: 315191, Tel :0574 -88453226 (fax, school office)

School Website: , E-mail: Nbjszx@163.com

学校概况 校园新闻 深化课改 特色发展 德育安全 教师发展 学生成长 教育成果 美丽姜中



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